Digital Technology: Benefits, Harms & Protection

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Topic outline

  • Welcome to Digital Technology: Benefits, Harms & Protection Course!

  • Course Introduction

    What is this course about?

    In today's interconnected world, digital technology has become an indispensable aspect of our daily lives. From smartphones and social media to artificial intelligence and cloud computing, digital tools have revolutionized the way we communicate, work, and access information. However, along with their numerous benefits, these tools also bring potential harms, including privacy breaches, cyber-attacks, and negative effects on mental health. To navigate this complex landscape effectively, it is crucial to understand both the advantages and disadvantages of digital technology while implementing essential protective measures. This course aims to equip participants with a comprehensive understanding of the benefits, harms, and protection associated with using digital technology tools.

    What you will learn in this course?

    What will you gain from this course?

    Badges you will receive in this course:


    Complete these assessments to earn your badges:

    Quizzes - Badges

    What are you waiting for? Earn your badges NOW!

  • Benefits of Digital Technology

  • Complete all of the following items to claim Badge 1:

    Read this e-note

    Exercise 1

    Do this Activity

    Take this Quiz

  • Harms of Digital Technology

  • Complete all of the following items to claim Badge 2:

    Read this e-note

    Exercise 2

    Do this Activity

    Take this Quiz

  • Digital Technology Safeguards & Protection

  • Complete all of the following items to claim Badge 3:

    Read this e-note

    Exercise 3

    Do this Activity

    Take this Quiz

  • Congratulations!

    In conclusion, our journey through this online course exploring the benefits, harms, and protection strategies related to digital technology has provided us with invaluable insights into the complex and rapidly evolving digital landscape. We have delved into the myriad ways in which digital technology has revolutionized the way we live, work, and connect, offering unparalleled convenience, efficiency, and innovation.

    However, as we've explored the benefits, we've also confronted the potential harms that accompany this digital transformation. From privacy breaches and cybersecurity threats to the erosion of genuine human interactions, the downsides of digital technology remind us of the need for vigilance and responsible usage.

    Yet, this course has not just focused on the negatives – it has empowered us with knowledge and strategies to protect ourselves and our digital presence. By understanding the importance of strong cybersecurity practices, critical digital literacy, and safeguarding our personal information, we can navigate this digital landscape with confidence.

    As we move forward, it's essential to recognize that the potential of digital technology is vast and still expanding. By embracing the benefits while being mindful of the harms, and by arming ourselves with the tools to mitigate risks, we can harness the power of digital technology for positive change.

    Remember, technology itself is not inherently good or bad; it's how we choose to use and protect it that truly matters. Let the knowledge gained from this course serve as a foundation for making informed decisions, fostering a safer digital environment for ourselves and future generations. Thank you for joining us on this enlightening journey, and may your digital endeavors be both prosperous and secure.

    Your feedback shapes the learning experience! We invite all participants to share their thoughts, insights, and suggestions about the online course. Your valuable input will help us enhance the course content and delivery, ensuring a more enriching journey for future learners. Let your voice be heard as we work together to create an even better educational experience. Click the button below to give your feedbackYour feedback matters!

    Give us feedback here


    Kathy and Furgang.Netiquette: A student’s guide to digital etiquette. (2019). New York. The Rosen Publishing Group

    Ribble, M. (2015). Digital Citizenship in Schools: Nine elements all students should know. 3rd ed. ISTE.

    Nordin, M., Ahmad, T., Zubairi, A., Ismail, N., Rahman, A., Trayek, F., & Ibrahim, M. (2016). Psychometric properties of a digital citizenship questionnaire. International Education Studies, 9(3), 71-80.

  • ------------------------- End of Course -------------------------