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This assessment aims to test students' understanding of Pascal's Law and Hydraulic Jack. Answer the following five questions and upload your answers in a pdf file. Please answer within 40 minutes.

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Assessment Questions

 1.  Explain Pascal’s Law.

 2.  List four (4) applications or equipment in daily life that use Pascal's Law.

 3.  Explain the working principle of a hydraulic jack with a suitable diagram.

 4. A hydraulic jack is used for lifting a vehicle weighting 2500 kg which is located on the large piston. If the diameter of a small piston is 200 mm and the large piston is 450 mm, calculate the required force If the pistons are at the same level. Given ρwater =1000kg/m3.

 5.  A force, F of 650 N is applied to a smaller cylinder of a hydraulic jack that contains oil (soil = 0.89). The diameter, d1 of the small piston is 45 cm and area, A2 of the larger piston is 20000 cm2Sketch the jack and calculate the load, W if the small piston is 0.45 m below the larger piston?