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Photography is more than a documentation process it is more, it is an art form and should be treated with the same respect as painting, sculpture, and the other well known art forms. Photographs, like paintings, are artificially constructed portrayals: they have to be carefully composed, lit and produced. It's difficult to see why for so long photography struggled to gained its recognition as a legitimate art form. Photographers like other artists show their knowledge of art through the images.  We have reached a point in history when photographs are more accessible than anytime before and through the advancements in digital technology taking photographs is easier and more convenient than ever before. Photography deserves respect, its presence and influence in the art world in equivalent to the other forms of art.

Digital imagery is becoming more common, our way of looking at photographs and gauging their impact has been irrevocably changed. Will these changes affect photography in the art world? Will the value of photography be diminished? Only time will tell.


Finally, it’s not a question of having all these techniques of photography composition etched into your mind for every photo you take, but that they are being assimilated. You don’t have to apply every single one either. It depends on the photo; with one or two techniques the result can be excellent. In other photos you have to take into account many more of the composition concepts. It depends on the photo; it depends on you. And when you have them assimilated I recommend that you choose a maximum of two favorites and apply them constantly. It will help you develop a signature, your personal touch, the “glue” that holds your photos together.

Last modified: Saturday, 21 October 2023, 10:12 PM